Internet Addiction,Personal Information, Self-Driving Cars, Renewable Energy




1. To miss out on something means to lose an opportunity to do or have something

I was sick. I’m sorry that I missed out on all the fun!

2. To unplug means to stop using all electronic devices.

You will. It’s time for you to unplug!

They fought a lot because of Brad’s excessive drinking. Jen said he got drunk almost every night.

That’s good! I know some people think it’s weird, but I see no issue with exes being friends again.


1. Fossil fuels are natural fuels such as gas, coal, and oil that are formed from the remains of plants and animals.


There are rich deposits of fossil fuels in China, the US, and Russia.

2. To dwindle is to gradually become smaller or fewer in number until nothing is left.


When the forests were cleared to make way for houses, the bear population began to dwindle.

The solar panels harness the sun’s power to provide electricity to hundreds of homes.


Well, to put it in perspective, this is the first time that we aren’t #1! That’s actually great news – we’re going in the right direction.


1. To warm up to the idea of something means to begin to like or be interested in a concept.


I was against it at first, but I’m slowly warming up to the idea of working abroad.


2. To test the waters means to find out what something would be like before actually doing it.


Sell a few baked goods to your friends and test the waters first before you quit your job and open a bakeshop.

The autonomous robot folded the laundry, cleaned the floor, and watered the plants without any human assistance or supervision.


Definitely not! They’ll just mess everything up. I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could throw them.


1. Sensitive information is confidential information that can cause harm to a person or organization if it is leaked or otherwise shared.


I think it’s a bit crazy, but my sister considers even her birthday to be sensitive information! Maybe she uses it as her password…


2. Everybody and their brother refers to a large number or majority of people.


I’m so embarrassed. I tripped and fell down the stairs in front of everybody and their brother! 


Stop spying on the neighbors! What they do inside their own home is none of your business!


Yeah, he told me! I normally don’t believe stuff like that, but oddly enough, I believe him. I don’t see why he would lie about it.