Dividing the Work & Wedding Traditions





/ch/ chores
pigsty [ PIG-stahy ]

newlywed [NYOO-lee-wed]

1. newlywed = a person who just got married
2. nuptial = relating to marriage


1. To split the chores means to divide housework between the people living in a house.


At home, we split the chores equally to teach our son to be responsible.


2. A pigsty is a place where pigs live. If you call a place a pigsty, it means it’s very dirty and disorganized.


My mom would get mad if she saw my apartment right now. It’s a pigsty!


3. If a chore or task falls on someone, it means that they’re responsible for it.


The task of washing the dishes after dinner falls on my brother.


1. One’s big day refers to a very special day in someone’s life, especially a person’s wedding day.


My fiancé and I want to have a really small wedding, so I decided to invite only my three closest friends for my big day.


2. To break with tradition means to purposefully do something different in order to avoid following a tradition.


The couple broke with tradition and got married in regular clothes.


3. If something is antiquated, it means that it’s old-fashioned and outdated.


I think throwing rice at newlyweds is an antiquated tradition.