Fall Foliage




1. If something is up to someone, it means that person can decide.

What do you want to do this weekend?

Well, we could go shopping or watch a movie at my place. It’s up to you.


2. You can use plan A to refer to an original plan and plan B to refer to a backup plan.

I really want to have a picnic, but the weather forecast said it might rain.

How about this? Plan A is to have a picnic at the park. Plan B is to have a picnic on the floor of my living room if it rains! What do you think?


3. To be on the fence about something means to be unable to decide between two options.

What is taking you so long? Just pick a dress!

Sorry, I’m on the fence about which dress to wear! I can’t decide between the blue one and the black one.


fo・li・age | fóʊliɪdʒ |
1 〖集合的に〗(草木の)葉, 群葉
▸ dense [thick] foliage
2 〘建〙 葉形飾り〘葉・花・枝を表した装飾〙.
~́ lèaf
~́ plànt

sci-fi | sàɪfáɪ〖強勢移動〗 |
〖science fiction〗
⦅くだけて⦆ 空想科学小説(の), SF(の).


grove | ɡroʊv | (!-o-は| | ) 〖原義は「低木の茂み」〗名詞s | -z | C1 木立, (小さな)(!woodsより小規模; 通例下草はなく, 子供の遊び場にもなる) . 2 (オレンジ・オリーブなどの)果樹園(→ orchard). 3 〖G-; 街路名として〗(並木)通り.



weigh | weɪ | (!-ghは発音しない; wayと同音) 〖語源は「(車で)運ぶ」〗(名) weight動詞s | -z | ; ed | -d | ; ing 自動詞1 C〗 〈人・物が〉Cの重さ[目方]がある (!(1)Cは〖名詞〗〖形容詞〗. (2)通例進行形にしない) How much [What] do you weigh? 体重はどのくらいですか The suitcase weighsa ton [10 pounds (empty)]. そのスーツケースはものすごく重い[(空の状態で)10ポンドの重量がある] weigh almost nothing ほとんど重さがゼロである. 2 ⦅かたく⦆ 〈事・物が〉 «…にとって/…に有利に/…に不利に» 重きをなす, 重要性を持つ, 影響する «with/in favor of/against» ; 〈心配事などが〉 【人に】のしかかる «on» Her evidence weighed heavilyagainst the defendant.彼女の証言は被告に大変不利に働いた It doesn't weigh with me. そんなこと私にはどうでもいい Those problems weighed heavily on his mind. それらの問題が彼の心に重くのしかかった. 3 〘船〙 (いかり)を揚げる; 出帆する. 他動詞1 (はかりなどを使って)〈物・人〉の重さを量る, …をはかりにかけるI weigh myself (on the scales) every morning. 毎朝(体重計で)体重を量ります. 2 …を念入りに検討する; A against B〗 AをBと比べ合わせて検討する(⦅主に英⦆ up) weigh the pros and cons プラス面とマイナス面を検討する weigh one's words 言葉を慎重に選ぶ weigh the benefits of the plan against the costs 計画の利益をコストと比較検討する. 3 〈錨〉を揚げる.