Community News




1. An item in good condition is undamaged.


I think I can sell my car for a good price because it’s still in good condition.


2. A non-smoking household refers to a smoke-free home.


I bought this secondhand sofa from a non-smoking household.


3. An item that is free to a good home means that any buyer who agrees to take good care of it can have it.


I’m leaving the country next week and need to clean out my apartment quickly, so I’m listing all of my things as free to a good home.



1. ASAP/asap [EY-sap]
2. chandelier [shan-dl-EER]

3. meter
x [MET-er]
o [MEET-er]


x [kuhn-DISH-awn]
o [kuhn-DISH-uhn]


 I have read [red] classified ads.
